VEG TABLE is a brand of fenmarc produce, a certified B Corp.

With this certification we are part of a global movement of businesses which use their influence as a force for good, creating positive impacts for people in their local area and across the planet.


To become a B Corp, fenmarc needed to show it met rigorous standards in five key areas. Each one is scored and businesses need to get a total of over 80 to be certified. We’re proud to say fenmarc’s overall B Impact Score was 95, and we’re already working on plans to improve on this score at our next assessment in 2027.

Governance | OUR Score: 15.2/20

This pillar is a measure of how fenmarc makes sure it is considering all stakeholders when making decisions.

WORKERS | OUR Score: 25.3/40

This category assesses the value put on the safety and wellbeing of people who work for the company. The focus at fenmarc is creating a supportive, inclusive workplace that fosters growth, ensures fair wages and promotes work-life balance for everyone who works there.

COMMUNITY | OUR Score: 18.4/40

What impact does fenmarc have on the surrounding area? Sponsorship of junior football and work with the local school are just a couple of examples of the way we engage and support the community we work and live in.

ENVIRONMENT | OUR Score: 32.7/53

An assessment of how fenmarc is treating its environmental responsibilities. This includes initiatives such as the work to champion wildlife conservation and the membership of LEAF, as well as ongoing general work to reduce environmental impact and improve sustainability throughout the business.

CUSTOMERS | OUR Score: 3.2/5

The final pillar is about how fenmarc looks after its customers, which ties in with the commitment to delivering high quality products for our customers, which obviously includes VEG TABLE!


Fenmarc has always believed that businesses should contribute positively to society. And as a B Corp, we’re now part of a global community of businesses that meet high standards of social and environmental impact. We are required to continuously prove we are making decisions that benefit all stakeholders – employees, customers, suppliers, community and the environment.

The achievement of B Corp certification is just the start of our journey - we’re not stopping here!